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Professional Teller
John Wylder
Adults, seniors, college
Story types:
Personal, historical; motivational
Themed programs available
Sample video:
More stories at John's website
About the Teller
John Wylder is a passionate storyteller and has won several Story Slams at the MOTH and a Slam at the Florida Story Telling Festival. He has appeared on stage with the Portland Storytellers' Guild and in the Art of the Story Festival with the Washington Country (Or.) library system.
His stories cover a wide range of themes and topics including his family stories, stories from his youth, love and learning. In addition to his stage work he has a Facebook story page where he shares his stories with friends and family.
His business stories are from his working days in banking and technology he appeared on stage and numerous business meetings and has been featured in television interviews. He is the author of numerous articles on technology and wrote a book about information security.
His favorite stories have a fable like quality allowing the listener to take away something from the story and perhaps a laugh or a bit of wisdom.
Reviews/audience comments
“You are a superb storyteller”
-B. Ross
“I may not always agree with what he says, but I always want to hear him say it”
-M. Wolfe
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